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Betelvine Cultivation and Management of Diseases 1st Edition

Betelvine Cultivation and Management of Diseases 1st Edition,8172332769,9788172332761


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Book Information

Publisher:Scientific Publishers
Published In:2001
Binding Type:Hardback
Weight:200 gms
Pages:xv + 359 Pages, Index, Glossary

The Title "Betelvine Cultivation and Management of Diseases 1st Edition" is written by Jamuna Prasad Chaurasia. This book was published in the year 2001. The ISBN number 8172332769|9788172332761 is assigned to the Hardback version of this title. This book has total of pp. xv + 359 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Scientific Publishers. We have about 808 other great books from this publisher. Betelvine Cultivation and Management of Diseases 1st Edition is currently Available with us.

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About the Book

The Book Betelvine Cultivation and Management of Diseases is first of its kind by an Indian author. It contains an uptodate, critical, most recent information of the principles underlying study in the field of Piper betle. Its chapters deal with almost all aspects of betelvine and allied fields involving new trends of research in disease control and related areas. This book will be of great help to post graduate students of botany, plant pathology, agriculture, Microbiology as a text book and very useful for research worker, teachers, scientists and cultivators of the country and abroad who are engaged in understanding the problems on a multidisciplinary topic of betel vine (Piper betle L.) crop and its applied fields as a reference book. At present no published literature on the betel vine cultivation is available.

The need of a text book as well as reference in this field was a pressing one since there is no book of this type for the students on the betel vine cultivation, medicinal aspects, diseases and there management.

In this book author describes and illustrates almost all aspects with full detail of betel vine, standard method of cultivation and cultivation methods of some important states of the country. Botanical and taxonomic study, varies, utilization, medicinal, industrial uses, marketing, exporting, Economics of diseases, current control measures, general and taxonomic study of Phytophthora. Detailed survey of the fields of almost all the growing areas of India and most recently developed disease control measures, with new trends is an important feature of this book.

About the Author

J P Chaurasia is in the department of botany Dr. Hari Singh Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar.



1. General Introduction
2. Historical Account
3. Taxonomy Studies of Piper Betle
4. Betelvine Cultivation Practices
5. Utilization and Composition of Piper Betle
6. Betelvine Cultivation in India
7. Diseases of Betelvine (Piper betle L.)
8. Methods used in Betelvine Research
9. The Genus Phytophthora with Special References to Phytophthora Parasitica var. Piperina : Chaurasia
10. Effect of Environment and Nutrition on the Fungal Pathogens

11. Control of Diseases :
i). Chemical Control
ii. Antibiotics
iii. Antibiotic Substance of Higher Plants or Plant Extracts for Diseases Control
iv. Homeopathic Drugs