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Land Resources and their Management for Sustainability in Arid Regions 1st Edition

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Land Resources and their Management for Sustainability in Arid Regions 1st Edition,8172331258,9788172331252


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Book Information

Publisher:Scientific Publishers
Published In:1996
Binding Type:Hardback
Weight:560 gms
Pages:pp. 316, Figures, Illus. (Partly Col.), 7 Plates (Partly Col.), Tables, Maps, References

The Title "Land Resources and their Management for Sustainability in Arid Regions 1st Edition" is written by A.S. Kolarkar. This book was published in the year 1996. The ISBN number 8172331258|9788172331252 is assigned to the Hardback version of this title. This book has total of pp. 316 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Scientific Publishers. We have about 808 other great books from this publisher. Land Resources and their Management for Sustainability in Arid Regions 1st Edition is currently Available with us.

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About the Book

UNESCO se for sustainable productivity involves environmentally sound approach, so that the resource base is maintained or enhanced for future generations. The mounting pressure of human and animal populations and increased crop/biomass production through modern technologies have not been sustained by the land resources of arid regions. Concerned about this mounting pressure on the scarce resources of the arid lands, Unesco sponsored a training programme on "Land Resources and their Management for Sustainability in Arid Regions" at CAZRI. This compendium is an outcome of that training programme.

The contents of the Book include the concept of sustainability, land resources constraints in the arid regions, their vulnerability to degradation and sustainable management of land resources through agriculture, horticulture, silviculture and pasture development.


1. Sustainable Development : Concept and Criteria/J. Venkateswarlu
2. Land as a Resource : Concept, Utility and Applicability/A.S. Kolarkar
3. Climatic Constraints in the Development and Management of Arid Ecosystem/Y.S. Ramakrishna
4. Land Surface Processes in the Evaluation of Potential Land Degradation/Amal Kar
5. Soil Constrainst and Sustainable Land Use/D.C. Joshi
6. Remote Sensing Data Products and their Interpretation Techniques/Surendra Singh
7. Anthropogenic Factor in Desertification from View Point of Sustainability/R.P. Dhir
8. Ecological Consideration for Rangeland Development/Vinodshankar
9. Watershed as a Unit for Sustainable Development/H.P. Singh
10. Ground Water Assessment and Categorization of Aquifers/D.C. Sharma and S.C. Paliwal
11. Water Harvesting Techniques for Sustenance/M.A. Khan
12. Problems of Salinization and their Amelioration Techniques/B.L. Jain
13. Role of Vegetation in Resource Conservation/S.K. Saxena
14. Integrated Land Use Systems for Drylands/T.K. Bhati
15. Alternate Land Use Systems for Sustainable Development : Silviculture/L.N. Harsh
16. Alternate Land Use Systems for Sustainable Development : Horticulture/B.B. Vashishtha
17. Alternate Land Use Systems for Sustainable Development : Pasture Development/M.S. Yadav
18. Efficient Land-Livestock Interaction System for Sustainability in Arid Zone/H.C. Bohra
19. Land Management Alternatives for Cropped Systems and the Role of Simulation Modeling/A.L. Cogle, K.B. Laryea and T.J. Rego
20. Simulation of Crop Yield and Water Balance Under Potential and Limited Moisture Supply Conditions/N.L. Joshi
21. Simulation Modeling for Crop Growth : Physiological Aspects/S. Kathju
22. Integrated Nutrient Management in Drylands/R.K. Aggarwal
23. Evaluating Sustainable Development in Fragile Resource Regions : Concept and Application/M.S. Rathore
24. Social Aspirations and Sustained Productivity/L.P. Bharara
25. Communication in Farming Systems Research and Extension/K.N.K. Chauhan
26. Transfer of Technology for Sustainable Development/R.N. Singh