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Parmenides of Elea A Verse Translation with Interpretative Essays and Commentary to the Text

Parmenides of Elea A Verse Translation with Interpretative Essays and Commentary to the Text,0275979334,9780275979331


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Book Information

Publisher:ABC-Clio, Incorporated
Published In:2003
Binding Type:Hardback
Weight:441 gms
Pages:pp. 160, Biblio.

The Title "Parmenides of Elea A Verse Translation with Interpretative Essays and Commentary to the Text" is written by Martin J. Henn. This book was published in the year 2003. The ISBN number 0275979334|9780275979331 is assigned to the Hardback version of this title. This book also comes in Hardback . This book has total of pp. 147 (Pages). It is a multi volume book, other associated volume(s) is/are Parmenides of Elea A Verse Translation with Interpretative Essays and Commentary to the Text . The publisher of this title is ABC-Clio, Incorporated. We have about 19232 other great books from this publisher. Parmenides of Elea A Verse Translation with Interpretative Essays and Commentary to the Text is currently Not Available with us.You can enquire about this book and we will let you know the availability.