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Biodiversity and Vegetation of Pachmarhi Hills 1st Edition

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Biodiversity and Vegetation of Pachmarhi Hills 1st Edition,8172333021,9788172333027


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Book Information

Publisher:Scientific Publishers
Published In:2002
Binding Type:Hardback
Weight:200 gms
Pages:vii + 353 Pages, Plates (Mostly Col.), Map (Col.), Index, References

The Title "Biodiversity and Vegetation of Pachmarhi Hills 1st Edition" is written by V.P. Singh. This book was published in the year 2002. The ISBN number 8172333021|9788172333027 is assigned to the Hardback version of this title. This book has total of pp. vii + 353 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Scientific Publishers. We have about 808 other great books from this publisher. Biodiversity and Vegetation of Pachmarhi Hills 1st Edition is currently Available with us.

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About the Book

The inception of this Book goes back to sometimes in 1991, when we visited to Pachmarhi with students to study the flora of these regions. Although, that we are looking the flora of this regions from 1965 and realizing the decline of the flora of this regions gradually. In 1965, Pachmarhi was completely undisturbed and all the spots were full of flora and fauna and climatic conditions at various sites were different from present state of conditions. Every path of the forest track was full of treasures. Gradually and slowly the biodiversity of this regions is declining because of habitat reduction, fragmentation, degradation and replacement. The introduction of exotic species, over-exploitation of biological resources, large scale of deforestation and influx of tourist population has the proximate cause of loss of biodiversity of this regions. Many valuable species of this regions have been disappeared or in verge of extinction. To study the Environment impact assessment (EIA) of this region, we had started the work under project Department of Biotechnology [DBT] in 1997.

This work is an outcome of the project entitled "Rare, endangered and threatened plants of Pachmarhi hills. An ecological and biotechnological approach for biodiversity conservation. "The project was came in operation in June, 1997 in which three research fellows were collected the data from remote areas of the hills. In this book all the information is incorporated on the basis of their work.

About the Author

Dr. V.P. Singh, is a senior Professor and Head of the Institute of Environment Management and Plant Sciences, Vikram University, Ujjain. He has over 32 years of teaching and research experience in the field of ecology, taxonomy and mangrove ecophysiology. The mangrove is special interest and had worked 5 years on mangrove forest of Andaman and Nicobar Islands under DOE/MAB project. He did the work on Australian mangrove species in University of WWU, Muenster, Germany under DAAD fellowship. Visited all parts of South Japan to study the distribution of mangrove species with Prof. Odaki, under JSPS fellowship. Dr. Singh has visited many countries like Canada, Germany, Japan, America, Holland and UAE on account of his research activities. He is member of International Society of Mangrove Ecosystem and Mangrove Society of India. Dr. Singh has successfully guided the research work of about 20 Ph.D. Scholars and completed 15 major research Projects sponsored by various funding agencies.



1. Introduction
i. Scenery and Surroundings

2. Geographical Extent, Topography and Climate
i. Geographical Extent of Pachmarhi
ii. Topography of Pachmarhi
iii. Climate of Pachmarhi

3. Objectives of the Present Work

1. Sites selection, Map and Sites characters
i. Study Sites
ii Sites characters

2. Methods of Study of Vegetation
3. Climatic Factors

4. Edephic Analysis :
i. Determination of pH
ii. Determination of Conductivity
iii. Determination of Soil Organic Matter (SOM)
iv. Estimation of Total Nitrogen
v. Estimation of Na, K, Ca

1. Bryophytic Flora
i. Introduction
ii. Description of Bryophytic Flora

2. Epiphytic Mosses
i. Description of Epiphytic Mosses

3. Terrestrial Mosses
i. Description of Terrestrial Mosses

4. Fern Flora :
i. Introduction
ii. Description of Fern Flora

5. Angiospermic Flora :
i. Introduction
ii. Description of Angiospermic Flora
iii. Orchids of Pachmarhi
a. Introduction
b. Description of Orchids

iv. Medicinal Plants of Pachmarhi
a. Introduction
b. Terpenes and Terpenoids
c. Alkaloids and Essential Oils
d. Description of Medicinal Plants

1. Introduction
i. Complexity Index
ii. Stand Density, Basal Area and Diversity Indices
iii. Successional Pattern

2. Sal Forest
3. Mixed Evergreen Forest
4. Mixed Deciduous Forest
5. Grassland and Meadows Vegetation
6. Dry Thorn Forest

1. Biodiversity
2. Genetic Diversity
3. Species Diversity
4. Ecosystem Diversity
5. Human Cultural Diversity
6. Why should we be Concerned About Biodiversity
7. An Overview of Indian Biodiversity

8. Species in Endangered :
i. Endangered (EN)
ii. Vulnerable (VU)

9. Loss of Biodiversity and Its Causes
10. Effects of Loss of Biodiversity
11. Measures for Maintaining Biodiversity
12. Declaration of Biosphere Reserve and Sustainable Development